Saturday, 21 April 2007


Geo's funny pic birthday card. It's his fave film. Iuwe couldn't stop laughing when she saw this.
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Friday, 20 April 2007

Sad Day :(

Sad day today...lots of lonely thoughts. Heard from a couple of people who lifted my spirits. Spent the evening in the garden, planting up seedlings always makes me happy.

These are my disco flowers...proper name is Mesambrytheum or something like that but I call them disco flowers as they are all glittery and have flashy bright coloured flowers in the summer.

LOVE the flowers, LOVE you MUM.

x x x x x x x x x x x
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Our first visit to Formby - We loved it. We even saw one or two red squirels.
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great game

Love this game...

Games at - Doodle

Bring your doodle to life and battle the enemy erasers.

Play this free game now!!

Monday, 16 April 2007

New blog-new start

So - the last one managed to make it from January to July...I wonder how far this one will go.

I've got new camera and a little more time this year so maybe things are a bit more hopeful. I read an article today which was talking about the demise of blogging and mentioned some famous people's blogs that are now just collecting dust in the cyber cupboard somewhere. I think it's given me the impetus I needed to get back on track.

I've joined a book group since I last wrote and I'm really enjoying meeting up with friends to share thoughts and ideas about a common love. Will fill in the details of current books as I go.

Had a look through the old blog and it felt don't realise where the time's going when you just plough on and on do you?

Haven't got a pic for today so here's one from yesterday...

Geo's birthday impromptu affair with Geo's sister Rosie, her beau Andy and the sproglets. Che's not in this picture as he was busy taking photo's with another camera.

Well, that's it for the first day...shattered now and need to just chillllllll.